Computer News


Mrs. Meltzer's Computer Classes



Computer News

Learn to Keyboard

All students in Grades 3-5 should be practicing their keyboarding skills. In today's world, it is very important for EVERYONE to learn to keyboard correctly. Students in Grades 3 have been practicing during computer class and in their classrooms to learn proper finger placement and positioning. But they will not be able to transfer this information to their fingertips without lots of Practice, Practice, Practice. Students can use at home to repeat any missed lessons or for further practice. There are many terrific typing programs available that you can purchase and install at home. Also, there is a list of fun, free online typing games listed on my links page. The ideal would be for every student to practice for 10-15 minutes per day. If you have a 4th or 5th grader who still needs to learn their keyboarding skills, provides a fun, fast way to help them reinforce proper positioning. Students can also access the free, online practice programs and should practice 10-15 minutes per day. Keyboarding will be an invaluable skill. It is easier for them to learn it properly now and correct mistakes now, than it will be in the future. - online Learning & Fun!

Each student in Grades 1-5 has access to a terrific online learning tool known as

EASY TECH Computer lesssons reinforce what we are learning in class, teach computer skills, as well as online safety and keyboarding. I will be assigning different lessons to each grade level, and adding more as we progress, so check back often.

This interactive site can be accessed from your home, if you
have an internet connection. Just go to

The username is the same one your child uses at school. (In most cases, First initial followed by last name in lower case letters.) The password is also the same one that your child uses at school.

The district is Temple Beth Am.Check out this fun and exciting way to learn!